Thursday, January 8, 2009

Kepiting Saus Tiram (Crab with Oyster Sauce)

An old recipe from my mom, this is my all-time favorite dish growing up. During New Year, I just had a sudden craving for this and must cook it, no matter what.

So I did. And it turned out pretty good. Turns out it's a pretty simple recipe.

Here are the ingredients used to make the sauce:
Ginger (finely cut)
Thai chili (finely cut) - depends on how spicy you'd like the dish to b
Sweet Soya Sauce
Oyster Sauce
Salt, pepper, sugar
After the taste is right, stir in corn starch mixed with water slowly. Continue adding until water is a little thick. Then, add 1 beaten egg and stir quickly.

Pour over cooked crab.
Here's the pic of the crab I cooked for New Year's Eve Dinner.

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